Sunday 6 February 2011

Personality Test

I took a fairly quick personality are the results.

Openness: Imaginative and creative, also prone to boredom and strive to feed their mind continually with new ideas and experiences.

Conscientiousness: Laid back, find it easy to enjoy life, but may need a help in hand when it comes to self discipline.

Extroversion: Energized by the company of others, evening types and motivated more by carrots than the stick.

Agreeableness: Not very, very agressive and competitive, bloom in situations that require tough thinking and straight talking...(sometimes).

Neuroticism: More relaxed, less emotional, less prone to distress and operate in situations that others may find stressful.

Monday 24 January 2011

Job Hunting

Having a degree in innovation and creativity, I always want to break the rules or bend them here and there..


Being young and trying to do this, does this get you anywhere? I may need to change my approach, play the game for a while until I can be more influential. Currently I feel what I say has no respect, even if I quote top ground breaking research it still has no effect...

London Trip

So this weekend was a trip to London, having a last night out with Dad & Jackie before their return to San Francisco. Didn't get up to much trouble, a quiet night with Stu on Saturday and then a trip to Camden & Angel on Sunday. To be honest I had a few drinks and felt the effects this morning!