Thursday, 20 January 2011

Creativity tests...are they flawed?

So creativity tests such many things can you do with this paper clip?

The rules of judging need to be looked at.

Just because you can think of a lot of ideas, maybe even varied ideas doesn't really make you creative? All the ideas may be worthless and have zero value. I know the philosophy is "the higher amount of ideas, the higher probability that there will be some good ones". Surely once someone knows the technique, anyone can cheat this by having a simple check list? Then the ideas are plentiful but possibly not original? Can we get the concious to be more creative?

So when you are given creativity tests...I am inclined to say it may need time to come up with original ideas.

Information needs to be digested and the sub-concious needs time to process them. My best ideas come out at night, after a full day of looking at stuff and when my concious mind is relaxed. Once relaxed, my sub-concious just throws waves or original ideas on the paper, its such a rush I often look forward to getting in bed!

So which is better...

Concious Creativity
Sub-concious Creativity

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